A Journey to Croatia

Just to get you going where we are - see this Chart of the Area we where flying

It all started with the search for a remote airfield - MEDULIN (close to Sisan) just 10 nm SE of Pula. Very easy to find as there is absolutely no sign to the field - except this one. Our intention was to visit places not very common for us Austrians. We did not go to all the known fields, but looked for touching down at unusual places
The barrier here is for security reasons -- just to satisfy the more modern airport access controls. The road surface leads to thinking, that the strip was not to be any better...
Ha, field in sight! This is all ?? The old Antonov is waiting for better days and I am waiting for my airplane, nothing else here. 35 degrees and no wind - let's see! I will meet with Nenad Delic of Delic Air, who  operates the field and is the instructor here, as well as the grass mower, and the tower operator, and the gas station clerk, and the weather briefer, and the follow me "something".
Here she is! The ship which will take us over the beauty of the islands of Croatia! Get it going, rev the engine and take it to the air !! We have a lot to do!
Just after departure follow the coast line way up north heading to Rijeka! Stay at 300 ft msl - what a sight !
The Bay of Ravni is passing quickly under the plane. Blue waters everywhere and I had one ear on the engine...
The camping area south of Rabac - engine still running smooth!
This is the bay of Rabac where we had our anchorage, the orange house was the hotel where we stayed during the week. My SO was playing there Tennis (35 C, what a mess)
Continue along the coast, this is a very historic place near Plomin. It was the former private hide out of Mr. Tito back in the old days. Now it is a very scenic coffee shop and dining place!
Now this is to be the Riviera of Croatia. This is Opatija and Lovanska Draga in the left lower corner. My wife and I stayed there in 2002 together with Franz Huber to go for the Boating Radio License!
Hey folks, this is the little Chappel on top of Rijeka approaching from the south. If you look carefully, you see the runway from Grobnik extendig over the roof of the little Church.
Follow the procedures for landing Grobnik from the south: dive to 400 msl and fly under the ILS approach Rijeka - when reaching the coast line climb 1700 msl - fly over the church, when passing church dive immediatly - gas idle - full flaps - 65 knots and setup final -- urgh! What an interesting approach
The Hangar of Grobnik had some interesting features. Among others there was an all new refurbished Blanik sail plane and a rather demolished Antoniv, which flipped over last year during a Bora event and awaits restoration!
We took back to the air and flew over Rijeka, just to see the dark blue sea - heading for the easterly islands
This is the Ferry Brestova - Porozina on the Island of Cres
One of the many bays on the Island of Cres, here Lubenica
....and yet another one...
This is the main City on the Island of Cres with harbour.
We then took it down heading for Losijn, but departed to the more unknown Island of Unije - this is the only safe harbor there.
We the made  a visit the the Unije Airfiled . This is the major hideout of my instructor, that's why we visited it. Can't you see it ??
Ok, here is a better view of the grass runway 05 from crosswind!
We then flew back over the sea to the most southern point of Croatia - the Kamenjak Light-House..
...and landed back at the Medulin Airfield after a very interesting and exhausting day of flying. We will be back !

If you need more information about this flight and Mendulin - please drop me a mail. The landing fees in Mendulin are very expensive = ZERO €, you can stay overnight with tie-downs - again ZERO €.